I have been researching for years and now I have decided to express what I have seen in my research and you will be blown away. The connections I have found will open your eyes. Keep checking back and you will see new thing all the time. Welcome to my Blog sight.
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I have put the location and a video and and some photos of the symbolism. The art pieces of angels on artifacts and many other snake men or ...
Annunaki citizens struggled with finding the helper for there Citizens and with many tries to combine the DNA of the Earth Mammal (Ape Like)...
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Grey's tag possible genetic hybrids to keep the hybrids limited. They use Dna tracking and paralyzing agents to do special human specimens to be taken. They are not to interfere with human developement but to keep the human species from being tampered with by other Dieties and Anunnaki Over Lords. Anu or The Gods of Nibiru to check the progress of the minerals being mined. They will be returning During the time of Age of Aquarius. We will first see the sign of The planet x presents on 12-21-2012. It is in the Artifact around the World.. Wake up world they are returning.
The chart of power of Ki (Earth) and understanding
Keep looking for updates as I continue searching for the truth. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dragons? Or the map to the Planet x Nibiru

What does the Bible say about dragons?
Answer: The Bible mentions a dragon in Revelation chapters 12, 13, 16, and 20. Revelation 20:2 identifies the dragon, “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” The Bible is not teaching that dragons ever truly existed. Because they did not exit. What they were talking Satan who ruled earth and corrupted man and god came to earth. Cleaned the Earth with war and a great flood by melting the polar caps increasing the water in the oceans causing great tsunamiis around the world and great storm to rain upon the corrupt angels and corrupt humans. That is why Noah took as many animals as he could to be able to stable his family till the flood water completely receded.
The ancient symbols on artifacts, in books and ruins is a symbolism of the map to the Planet x below the sun in the south. Check out my other blogs to learn more on this Truth uncovered.

Snake Symbolism in the Mayan Calander will guide you to the Sun and Nibiru.
You can see the some have thought the ancient humans were worshiping the sun but showing us the direction where the creators planet is. What should we do now? Should we great them with respect or shall we do what we have done before and disrespect them and have them cleans the planet like the did in the great flooding of the world. Do you want to start over again? Your choice. I myself want to respect them and see what they have to show us.
Their guardians are here just in the oceans hybernating and taking shifts to watch over us. These are what we have called the guardian angels. Check my next blog... for Guardian Angels.
In this video from Youtube shows the sun showing a snake head and tail towards the sky. As it shows in the constellation. Below is the contellation and the image or go to Google Earth and Check out the Historical Sky Map and follow the end of the Hydra (Snake) and you will see what im showing you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
THe New World Order=The Coming of Armegedeon=The Coming of Enki
the union of all the Seven Continents (Seven Serpent head) (Seven Prime Leaders from Nibiru decedents ). These Leaders hide so that they will not be seen in public. The alignment is the first sign of the arrival of their leader(God) and Enki.
The New World Order is the rebuilding of the Previous Collapses of civilizations. Each time our civilazations have been rebuild with some or no knowledge of the previous ones. Time has come to show the images that our ancestors were creating in every stone and have been put in paintings and monuments and artifacts. These were to help the human helper to better understand the home world of Nibiru. The gods used common references to the animals we had on earth (KI) to pin point in the stars to the home world. The leaders in the beginning taught the human helpers that the gods would be gratified in building monuments in there image. This showed them respect for giving them life.


Monday, November 22, 2010
The Sign of the Hydra and Serpena Cauda will leed to Nibiru

See every Country in the world and every religion in the world is based around snakes and serpents. Example: China: Dragon. South America: The Serpents on the Mayan monuments. North America: Devil and the Devil worshipers. Africa: Egypt and the Aminals and God used in the Pryamids and many of the monuments. Etc.. in many others in history. This comes from the paranoid belief that the serpent will hurt and corrupt you. The serpent recieved this belief after the great war of the gods.
See the corruption of the few Nibirian Leader watching over the human helpers and there beliefs that were placed in the monuments to the gods and the belief system the corrupted leaders on this planet to control the human helper. The control is was to turn us away from the Great Creator An and The Leaders on the Planet of Abu. Our fear that Satan was the Serpent was not true. We as humans were to corrupted to believe this. Satan lived on Earth and still to this day many of his fears of the gods come from this. I will show you how I descovered this knowledge.
I will put many photos up from different areas of the world and you will see a pattern.

Can you see the serpent in this pictures?

Like I have just shown you many images of the Serpents and Snakes and Hydras..
See with this knowledge will will understand the artifact and what the past images come from is the constellations. See the Hydra and the Serpent of the Constellation runs next to the eclipse line. From this eclipse line you have images that run beside the serpent and every culture adds piece from animal and human and birds and wings from images from the constilletion to make their own image to show the star map to the creators planet and when it will show it self.
Also during the alignment of the planets and the center of our galaxy, NOTHING bad is going to happen, but the first image of NIbiru will be confirmed and Signs of many vessels may be moving toward earth. See also our leaders will have issues with this find.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Time of understanding The Beginning Part 2 Cleansing Wave and Storms

The world was not as it was today.. Continents looked smaller than what they did today. Because majority of the continents were under glaciers, like 2/3rds of the planet was still frozen.. The areas around the equator and from just above the Tropic of cancer and just below the Tropic of Capricorn were open and were ropical and flourishing.
The corruption of the Nibiruian Leaders was noticed when the superiors of the Nibiru Returned on the 3600 earth year. Anu (Creator or GOD) and he planet leaders were upset with the corruption and the lack of mining, minerals, the laws that were being disregarded and the corruption being show to his creation of helpers.

Anu (Creator or GOD) and he planet leaders instructed Noah and showed him that he must build a ark of wood to help save some of his creations. The human helpers that still following the corruption of the Nibiru leaders of Earth and were warned they must change and no one believed Anu and his Leaders. So Anu sent his army of flying citizens to in their ship to cleanse the lands that were corrupt on the coast of lands.
The army started Melting and Breaking the Floating Ice Caps to ceate the change in temp in the oceans and from this caused the change in the weather. Many of the cities Cleansed from a Glacier Tsunami due to the Breaking of the Ice. Plus the change with the ocean temps caused storms to brew and causing the rains to come across the lands. Also due to the Gods Melting of the Ice areas of the Ice Caused the oceans to rise up and the valley of E-den=Eden= (Valley of En) started to flood and Noah gathering the animals that had been caged and were gathered. The corrupt human helpers were laughing could not believe that one of gods helpers would build a vessel that floats on water on the land of the Eden.

After the great flooding many of the mixed nibiruian and humans survived the floods and storms. This continued the previous corruption and grew slowly again. (David and Goliath)
Time of understanding The Beginning Part 1 continues...(Devil)

His other Nibiruian leaders of the Earth were ashamed and appalled. This created many leaders to fight among them self's bring more change in the belief systems of the True Leaders of Nibiru. Some also deciding to follow Lu De Vil was and created there own belief system as we see today with greek mythology and many others.
Le De Vil = The Devil Leader of the Underground mining.
Wikipedia Le De Vil = The of Grine = Jinn = Genie
A Grine is a spirit conforming to a particular description, which is found both in the folklore of Morocco and in modern literature.
Jinn (Arabic: جن jinn, singular جني jinnī; variant spelling djinn) or genies are supernatural creatures in Arab folklore and Islamic teachings which occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. (Nibiru)Together, jinn, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of Allah. According to the Qur’ān, there are two creations that have free will: humans and jinn. Religious sources say little about them; however, the Qur’an mentions that jinn are made of smokeless flame or "the fire of a scorching wind".[1] They have the ability to change their shape. Like human beings, the jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent.[2]
The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur’an, and there is a surah entitled Sūrat al-Jinn in the Quran. Islamic scholars have ruled that it is apostasy to disbelieve in jinn.[citation needed] Some research by the American Jewish Committee has shown that the belief in jinn has fallen compared to the belief in angels in other Abrahamic traditions.[3]
Jinn is a word of the collective number in Arabic, derived from the Arabic root j-n-n meaning 'to hide' or 'be hidden'. Other words derived from this root are majnūn 'mad' (literally, 'one whose intellect is hidden'), junūn 'madness', and janīn 'embryo, fetus' ('hidden inside the womb').[4] (in Ki=Earth)
The Arabic root j-n-n means 'to hide, conceal'. A word for garden or Paradise, جنّة jannah, is a cognate of the Hebrew word גן gan 'garden', derived from the same Semitic root. In arid climates, gardens have to be protected against desertification by walls; this is the same concept as in the word paradise from pairi-daêza, an Avestan word for garden that literally means 'having walls built around'. Thus the protection of a garden behind walls implies its being hidden from the outside. Arabic lexicons such as Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon define jinn not only as spirits, but also anything concealed through time, status, and even physical darkness.[5]
The word genie in English is derived from Latin genius, which meant a sort of tutelary or guardian spirit thought to be assigned to each person at their birth. English borrowed the French descendant of this word, génie; its earliest written attestation in English, in 1655, is a plural spelled "genyes." The French translators of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights used génie as a translation of jinnī because it was similar to the Arabic word in sound and in meaning. This use was also adopted in English and has since become dominant.
In Arabic, the word jinn is in the collective number, translated in English as plural (e.g., "several genies"); jinnī is in the singulative number, used to refer to one individual, which is translated by the singular in English (e.g., "one genie"). Therefore, the word 'jinn' in English writing is treated as a plural.Time of understanding The Beginning Part 1 continues...

During the many centuries the main leaders would be a way the Leaders on Earth became corrupt and started to loose focus on the planets mission. The leaders decided to change the laws of the Nibiruian leaders still on the Nibiru planet.
Many of the Earth Nibiru Leader over centuries divided the planet up into areas of power and express to the human helpers that it would please the Gods that if they built great monuments it would please them. The human helper were thrilled to help please there gods.
During the next few centuries many of the Leaders (now called Angels by the human helpers) Due to the they had the knowledge on flight. Humans were not allowed to use the flying machines and many of them did not understand the technology about the flying machines. They soon started making idol of the machines.
The leaders over the next few centuries became power hungry and change many more laws. This law was not to mate with the human helpers. Due to the closeness of many of the Human Helpers. Some of the Earth bound Angel Gods and the main Leader god change his name to Zues, and many other names. Also many of the other Angel Gods changed their names also. (You will See these names in History books and Also in the many other religious books.)
Due to the power of the Angel Gods and the corruption they started mating with the beautiful human helper women. Also the women angel gods mated with the muscular human helpers. Due to this mating many of the passing and mixing of nubian Dna and human helpers started creating larger mix breed of nubian humans. Soon the mating got out of control and corruption of power soon created many relaxation on many other laws.
Many of the leaders started putting many of the trouble makers in the deep mines of the earth as a prison. I was causing many of our beliefs. Working in the mines was harsh, dark, hot, brutal and was like hell this is where our belief of Sa Tan = ( The Devil). The corruption started to happen with in the human helpers and rebelled many of the gods. They even started different sects calling them the religions we have today.
Time of understanding The Beginning Part 1 continues...

Annunaki citizens struggled with finding the helper for there Citizens and with many tries to combine the DNA of the Earth Mammal (Ape Like) DNA and there own Anunnaki DNA to help with communication Better. Also the combination helped with Building Structures to house the minerals.
The leaders of the Anunnakians or Nibiruians decided to enlist their citizens and scientist to educate the helpers and to show them.
During the time that the Supervisors and the Educators (Nuberians) would have to leave the Nibiruian Planet and work with the new helpers (human beings). Some Humans would come to the planet and learn. The Nibirians would stay on the planet while the planet Nibiru.
The one year cycle equals 3600 years in earth years. So the Leaders of the Nibiruian had to make a decision to leave some of the citizens of Nibiru on Earth to supervise and guard and guide the new helpers "humans" through this transition.
Time of understanding The Beginning Part 1

After the Asteroid impact from the Dinosaurs The Annunaki (The gods from the Bible and Greek Mythology and India's Ishtar and etc) were the same.
The Beings from the Came to Earth to Survey land for minerals. One Gold for the help for Atmosphere stabilizing. During the years Citizens of Nibiru were working hard and struggling on the planet earth. The Spoke with There Leader Anu and he and the counsel of 12 decided to create a helper

They for Years experimented on the creature on Earth to find a helper who would be able to understand the needs of citizens of Nibiru. There search soon came to an end when they found a helper close to there own DNA.
The Mammal helpers were limited due to Great Ice age. They found bones and gathered DNA and researched the match.