Annunaki citizens struggled with finding the helper for there Citizens and with many tries to combine the DNA of the Earth Mammal (Ape Like) DNA and there own Anunnaki DNA to help with communication Better. Also the combination helped with Building Structures to house the minerals.
The leaders of the Anunnakians or Nibiruians decided to enlist their citizens and scientist to educate the helpers and to show them.
During the time that the Supervisors and the Educators (Nuberians) would have to leave the Nibiruian Planet and work with the new helpers (human beings). Some Humans would come to the planet and learn. The Nibirians would stay on the planet while the planet Nibiru.
The one year cycle equals 3600 years in earth years. So the Leaders of the Nibiruian had to make a decision to leave some of the citizens of Nibiru on Earth to supervise and guard and guide the new helpers "humans" through this transition.
I have always known that we are not the only living planet. and I also believe that there are more intelligent life forms out there.
ReplyDeleteAs time & light can be bent so too can truth ...
ReplyDeleteAll things are relative & will continue to change for all infinity. We,as 'human' beings must learn to be content with what we are , " To be or not to be , that is the question "
We are here to be , " I think , therefore I am "
The 'Who?','What?','Where?','When?' & 'Why?'questions are important , but ultimately, it is knowing that each day is a gift , that's why it is called the 'present', to be enjoyed by sharing it with are fellow humans .
Love & peace .M .
questions ,