The world was not as it was today.. Continents looked smaller than what they did today. Because majority of the continents were under glaciers, like 2/3rds of the planet was still frozen.. The areas around the equator and from just above the Tropic of cancer and just below the Tropic of Capricorn were open and were ropical and flourishing.
The corruption of the Nibiruian Leaders was noticed when the superiors of the Nibiru Returned on the 3600 earth year. Anu (Creator or GOD) and he planet leaders were upset with the corruption and the lack of mining, minerals, the laws that were being disregarded and the corruption being show to his creation of helpers.

Anu (Creator or GOD) and he planet leaders instructed Noah and showed him that he must build a ark of wood to help save some of his creations. The human helpers that still following the corruption of the Nibiru leaders of Earth and were warned they must change and no one believed Anu and his Leaders. So Anu sent his army of flying citizens to in their ship to cleanse the lands that were corrupt on the coast of lands.
The army started Melting and Breaking the Floating Ice Caps to ceate the change in temp in the oceans and from this caused the change in the weather. Many of the cities Cleansed from a Glacier Tsunami due to the Breaking of the Ice. Plus the change with the ocean temps caused storms to brew and causing the rains to come across the lands. Also due to the Gods Melting of the Ice areas of the Ice Caused the oceans to rise up and the valley of E-den=Eden= (Valley of En) started to flood and Noah gathering the animals that had been caged and were gathered. The corrupt human helpers were laughing could not believe that one of gods helpers would build a vessel that floats on water on the land of the Eden.

After the great flooding many of the mixed nibiruian and humans survived the floods and storms. This continued the previous corruption and grew slowly again. (David and Goliath)
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